Our Impact

We are happy to share with you some examples of what we have been able to achieve with our partner organisations, thanks to the generosity of all our supporters.

Tigoung Nonma

  • We have supported the members of Tigoung Nonma to improve the organisation’s financial sustainability by working with them to expand a catering service that has provided part-time work for 10 women with disabilities. Tigoung Nonma promoted their service amongst national and international organisations operating in Burkina and they now provide catering for a growing number of organisations whenever they hold meetings or training events. This work has been a vital source of income for the women with disabilities who have struggled to sell their artisan products due to the decrease in tourists currently visiting the country.  
  • LAFI Burkina is proud to have supported Tigoung Nonma to grow their income through the development of a sustainable cereal grain initiative whereby grains are purchased in bulk, stored and sold at an affordable price to members and vulnerable people within the local community. Income from sales is then used to purchase more cereals. This programme has helped artisans access food supplies for themselves and their families, as well as generated a small income for Tigoung Nonma.
  • In 2020, we held an urgent appeal for our partner Tigoung Nonma to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Tigoung Nonma members were already facing significant threats to their livelihoods with economic downturn and growing insecurity in the Sahel affecting tourism to Burkina Faso. The outbreak of COVID-19 added to this uncertainty, exacerbating threats to members’ health and incomes. Our brilliant supporters raised over £1,300! With these funds, Tigoung Nonma was able to support more than 50 of its members to protect themselves and their families from COVID-19 and the loss of income, by providing rice, cooking oil, sugar, soap and reusable face masks.

ICCV / Nazemsé

  • LAFI Burkina supported ICCV / Nazemsé to train staff in inclusive education techniques in it’s newly opened nursery school and carry out disability awareness training in the local community. Through this programme, we supported 10 children with disabilities to access an education and provided them with equipment to facilitate their inclusion. The training built the capacities of teaching staff and paved the way for other children with disabilities to access an education.


  • For details on our current appeal to support our partner ODIS and to view the impact so far, please click here.